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One the one hand: Okay, it's pretty shitty of Capcom to leave out the credits. That being said, they *almost* give a legitimate reason (something lame having to do with the Clover logo being shown and them not being allowed to for some reason) but, in all honesty, what kind of gamer is going to care enough about the credits that this will upset them? The kind that will also be able to go online and look up the credits.

Let's be honest, who sits and reads through all the credits of every game? Onimusha, I don't want to seem like I'm attacking you, but half your threads seem like they're whining over some minor non-issue. Yes, it is dissapointing, but come on. Do you have to have a tantrum, call the game gimped, and loudly proclaim you're going to return the game because it's 'gimped'?


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.