Skullwaker said:
Luke888 said: -It's not the '90; -The anime won't show off before the release of the game (I don't event know if it'll show off at all) ; -they said they'll have a huge advertisment but we still haven't seen anything about it; -The game looks extremely weird from what we've seen, and to me it doesn't look like the kind of weird stuff that appeals to kids; -Level 5 deserves to die for what they do with their brands; -Pokémon fans can't handle a pause every time a Yookai Watch game comes out becouse they would compete...
...What? It hasn't even been said when the anime or game will launch. And yes, the anime is coming. And why would they advertise 4 or so months before the game's release? Seems like a waste of time and money.
I meant that we don't really know what kind of advertisment they'll do IIRC Pokémon as well as Splatoon when it launched in the US made events all around the country so they could advertise it properly. Imho Yokai-Watch isn't the kind of game for which you can make this kind of events :v