Skullwaker on 31 July 2015
Luke888 said: -It's not the '90; -The anime won't show off before the release of the game (I don't event know if it'll show off at all) ; -they said they'll have a huge advertisment but we still haven't seen anything about it; -The game looks extremely weird from what we've seen, and to me it doesn't look like the kind of weird stuff that appeals to kids; -Level 5 deserves to die for what they do with their brands; -Pokémon fans can't handle a pause every time a Yookai Watch game comes out becouse they would compete... |
...What? It hasn't even been said when the anime or game will launch. And yes, the anime is coming. And why would they advertise 4 or so months before the game's release? Seems like a waste of time and money.