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In an interview with GameSpot Peter Hines said:

"Let's be honest, [right now] it doesn't matter what anybody wants for a feature in Fallout 4," Hines said. "The game is basically done. It was by and large done before we announced it, in terms of the features going in. You're not adding new features in May, June, July in the year you're releasing; you're trying to get everything fixed."

“Not to over-exaggerate, but the game is essentially done. When you talk about what else you are doing, all we’re doing is taking what exists and polishing it and fixing bugs. It’s not like you work until November 9 and then November 10 it’s out. You have to make discs and do this other stuff. They are finishing the game. That’s all they’re doing this summer.”

There is something about Bethesda saying they are focusing on fixing bugs that makes me laugh. But who knows, there is always chance to learn a lesson and demonstrate change.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: