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zorg1000 said:

I don't see how it's anti 3rd party, it's what 3DS uses and that has exponentially more 3rd party support than Wii U.

I'm not so sure if the various forms factors will be vastly different. I could imagine the handheld variant basically being a Wii U 0.5, a device that can handle Wii U level visuals at a lower resolution, perhaps 540p. On the other hand, the console variant would essentially be Wii U 1.5, a device able to handle Wii U level visuals at 1080p. Similar to the difference between iPhone & iPad, outside of a few exclusive features/apps they are pretty much the same thing but different size and resolution.

If the NX is a unified platform, it will also be a home console. Home consoles + cartriges meant for a handheld = terrible third party relations.

A cartridge made for a handheld is not going to hold DQ11, and more importantly, Square Enix, the company that publicly slandered Nintendo for using carts on the N64 and stopped supporting them because of it, wouldn't be supporting them now if they were going back to that.

Again, if the NX home console was merely Wii U levels of power, Square wouldn't be releasing the game on the NX. That, alone, proves that the console varient will at least be powerful enough for it to scale to it, with the handheld erring closer to a 7th gen console in power. Obviously it's all speculation, but I've already predicted that the NXDS will be more powerful than the Vita and have a 720p (equivilant) display. I think a better comparison would be the power difference between a Macbook and an iphone.