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WC4Life said:
FloatingWaffles said:

Sony did not greenlight SFV by paying for it, them paying for it simply made it release sooner than later, just as Microsoft is doing with Tomb Raider.

You're acting like Street Fighter V would have never been made without Sony funding it, and we both know that is not true. Street Fighter V would have released eventually anyway, all Sony did is pay for it to come out sooner and in turn put it console-wise only on PS4, same thing Microsoft did with Tomb Raider.

They are the exact same thing whether you wanna agree or not.

I believe it was Yoshinori Ono (SF producer) who said he had trouble getting SFV funded and then Sony stepped in and that essentially led to greenlitting SFV. If a game does not have budget, you can't consider it greenlit just because it has high chance of being made in the future. The game might not happen at all. And if it did, there is no proof it would be multi-platform. SFV did not exist as a game while RoTTR did and that is the difference. Sony was willing to take the risk from the very start. Microsoft just lessened the risk for SE mid-development. You could say SFV is Sony's game like Scalebound is for Microsoft. Sony is making a game while Microsoft bought a game for limited time. There is a huge difference.

Remember how Square Enix talked about the original Tomb Raider's sales and how they did not meet their expectations? One could easily assume that Square Enix were a bit worried about RoTTR and looked for someone to help fund the game and publish it for them. Microsoft came along and helped them by funding it and publishing it, and in return got a 1 year console-timed exclusivity for their system.

Street Figher V probably wouldn't have released for years and in looking to release it sooner they looked after someone to help fund the game to finish it for them. Along came Sony and helped them by funding it and in return got console-exclusive and it will release on PC.

Also how would you in any way know if SFV did not exist as a game? You wouldn't. Just like Tomb Raider, SFV was probably in development and they looked for somebody else to help finish funding it since they were uncertain if they had the funds to develop it themselves. Of  course this is just me speaking, none of us will ever know. Out of all the franchises Capcom has do you really think Street Fighter would be one of them they would stop making games of? Like I said, Sony funding SFV only made the game come out sooner, if it weren't for them funding it the game would probably still be only a few years away.

The situations are exactly the same, I don't know how you can't see this.