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Burek said:
bananaking21 said:

thats just not gonna work. kids these games are playing angry birds, minecraft and Call of Duty. sure nintendo games do sell to kids, but if any console maker wants to sell a lot of consoles, then they need to cater to adults, because the majority of gamers, and the BIG majority of gamers that actually have money to spend on quality games are adults. 

But the adult market is already occupied by two high quality consoles that get all the third party support. Going after adult market would mean going head to head with MS and Sony, and the last time they did that they came in dead last.

They need to bring kids over with those Angry Birds, split the pot with Rovio on AB amiibo, and market the crap out of those little collectible toys, just have the entire console centered around them (of course, this would mean ramping up amiibo production considerably, but they already make good margin on them anyway).

Make a $99 console, sell Amiibo for $15-20 with a copy of Angry Birds 2, Super Mario Temple Run, Zelda Crush, Amiibo Sports, Amiibo Fit.... Go after 8-12 demo, go after party games Smash Amiibo Bros, go after Nintendo-loving parents with kids... Forget going after GTA, CoD, Destiny, Battlefield crowds, those crowds already have a console.

that would flop harder than the WiiU. again people who are interested in dedicated gaming systems are dedicated gamers, which are mostly adults. dont get me wrong, i agree with the bolded part, and it puts Nintendo in a very very bad situation. thanks to iwata's and myamoto's lack of vision for the industry. they never really tried to cater to adults like Sony and MS did. and for the past 10 years or so with their past two consoles they didnt even give turd about catering to them. 

they used to have the family and Kids market, but who would ever thought that market would change, who would have ever thought that those kids would grow up?