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I think the XB1 Line-up of games are doomed because of the market their console appeals to the most, it's not easy to change direction when they did so well with third-party support, shooters and sports game last generation, that it have made a such impact on it's core-fan-base that grew up with the 360 as it's first and only console through the last 10 years that they are barely interested in any other type of games because people rarely manage to break off from habits unless some incredible force really manage to push them off the cliff that they got stuck on.
The XB360 from the start aimed towards the Casual market and that is exactly what they got, Ps3 did get a following in the casual market as well but as we all know, the diversity on the Ps1-Ps2 and Ps3 gained a solid market and Sony lost billions by taking all these risks in their attempts to save the Ps3.. I do think Xb1 is heading the same way and if Microsoft steps out of the comfort Zone with the dudebro gamers, they will loose even more profits then Sony did with the Ps3. Nintendo have played it safe for 17 years now but got lucky on the gimmicks and how they presented it..

It's not good to be a gamer when the demands for games are higher with the casual market, because diversity will take a hit.


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90