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Lol, sorry OP, but that was not a great question. Just ask the developers of the "Indie Game" documentary. I personally always felt those three games were all terribly overrated, BUT, they still made each one of those developers a fair bit of cash. Not ALL do, of course, just like not ALL retail games do.

But the thing is, for starters, indie developers who go the FULLY indie route, and/or get funded by KS or IndieGogo, etc., do not have to share any profit with a publisher, they only have to share money with the platforms they put the game out on. So they automatically get more profit, proportionally, than developers who work with publishers do, on average.

And yes, as others pointed out, Shovel Knight is a great example, as it's already made them quite a bit of money, and putting it out on more platforms now is only going to increase that. They have plenty of $$$$ to fund not one, but probably multiple future titles, AFTER they're done with the Shovel Knight DLC stuff, just from that game.

Not every game is a success story. But the ones that are, yes, probably do make a pretty decent profit. At least enough of one to live comfortably and fund future development.