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Soundwave said:
zorg1000 said:

I understand the concern regarding Gamecube but something that many people forget or ignore is that Nintendo was trying to compete directly against PS2/Xbox and for about 90% of its life the competitors were a mere $50 more with multimedia features and better 3rd party support. That plus Nintendo messing up with a lot of their own IP, no traditional Kirby, Donkey Kong or Star Fox, Mario Sunshine felt like a spinoff, Zelda went with a poorly received at the time artstyle. There was a lot of things going against Gamecube despite the low price.

Price is an issue, but it's not the only issue. The other thing is I think Nintendo by giving Sony/MS basically 3 years+, has given them plenty of time to get their own pricing down into an affordable range. So even if NX is say $100 cheaper than a PS4, if the PS4 has 300+ games next to NX starting at say 10 ... well like the PS2 a lot of people will probably be willing to pay more to get what they perceive is the better product. 

What Nintendo needs is something new and different that is a legitimate game changer. And I have no idea what that would be, but that's for them to figure out. 

Even when the XBox One was $499.99, a full $200 more than the Wii U, I believe it was still outselling the Wii U. 

What I'm saying is price didn't matter because Nintendo was trying to compete head on for the same audience as PS2/Xbox and was seen as inferior, it had no DVD/CD playback for movies/music, it didn't embrace online like the others did, it had inferior 3rd party support with many games skipping it or coming late, it was labeled a kiddy device. A mere $50 more for what were perceived to be superior devices wasn't an issue for that audience.

Wii U is a similar situation, Nintendo wanted to recapture the "hardcore" gamer and win over the PS/XB audience while retaining the casual audience they had on Wii but ended up making a device that was unappealing to both sides. It doesn't matter that Wii U is cheaper than PS4/XB1 because it is seen as vastly inferior to the PS/XB audience. Nobody who is interested in mainstream Shooter, Sports, Racing, Action games and an all-in-one multimedia device would ever choose Wii U over PS4/XB1 despite the lower price tag.

So I agree that NX having a $100 price advantage won't help at all if it's a device designed to appeal to PS4/XB1 owners, but if it's a device like Wii where Nintendo basically says "we don't give a shit what the competitors are doing, we're doing our own thing" than it has a chance of success depending on their execution.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.