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hinch said:

Ok maybe cheap isn' the word I was looking for.. affordable, it is then. I mean, the guys at Nintendo know they can't compete with Sony and Microsoft with their home consoles, so why bother try enter the power race. The reason why they were so successful before was because their unique hardware and software on their consoles. Also, they were priced well from launch. If Nintendo released a $400 console now, with better specs than a PS4, it would tank. Probably even more so than the Wii U.

Ok. "Affordable" is much better. This also means that you are saying they shouldn't get into the power race with MS and Sony. I can relate with all that. 

However, this also means that you are suggesting they do what I said could be their other option if jot getting into the power race, and that's trying to catch lightning in a bottle the third time (the second attempt was the WiiU and they failed). 

As I said before, the solutions to Nintendo's problems are pretty easy.... pulling it off however, is gonna be near impossible. They dug themselves into too deep a hole. And yes, everything happening now with Nintendo was caused by them. They have practically been burning bridges since the 90s. Hell, it was burning one such bridge that created their biggest rival.