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My hope is that it will be a $200 standard console with say 250GB of storage and 2-4x the performance of the Wii U. If Nintendo is going to continue their ancient business model of "You have to buy our weak console to play our games", then it needs to be:

1) Cheap as hell
2) Have a boatload of Nintendo 1st party support - like 6+ big exclusives a year.

If they do that they will at least be the #1 secondary console of choice, which could at least keep them from being in 3rd place, and with big profits to boot.

Prediction for console Lifetime sales:

Wii:100-120 million, PS3:80-110 million, 360:70-100 million

[Prediction Made 11/5/2009]

3DS: 65m, PSV: 22m, Wii U: 18-22m, PS4: 80-120m, X1: 35-55m

I gauruntee the PS5 comes out after only 5-6 years after the launch of the PS4.

[Prediction Made 6/18/2014]