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spemanig said:
Maraccuda said:

Unfortunately I think you are right. It feels like Nintendo will further push themselves into a different market, when I only want them to make a console that will have equal 3rd party support compared to others.

If they do the digital age well they could be a roll in the money, but as a gamer I dont really like the idea as I just want to play games.

Also it means I will have to buy the games digitally at higher prices than I would want to.

I don't think it's unfortunate at all. It's a good thing. First, I don't think that the markets can't cross. What I described doesn't mean there won't be third party support, for example. It's literally just a more modern platform. That's all.

What do you mean "as a gamer?" PC gamers are as hardcore as it gets, and they've been all digital for years. This isn't a casual gamer idea. It's a modern consumer idea.

No it doesn't. Digital games go on sale and get discounted all the time. On top of that, Nintendo is preparing a new membership program that I speculate is specifically geared towards addressing those kinds of concerns. From what we already know about it, it will reward consumers who buy/recommend games with discounts on more games. It's a "the more you buy, the more you save" mentality that rewards dedicated consumers.

The only problem with all you just said; is that those things are all one major firmware update away for Sony or MS who Nintendo are going to directly be competing with and who already have a much better footing in the digital space than Nintendo. 

This whole " modern console" thing, based on what you have said all boils down to its OS and digital policies. this isn't 2006 when apple reveled the iPhone and basically redefined a mobile smartphone market that was still virgin territory. What you are suggesting means Nintendo does something in an industry that has players already doing all those things in some shape or form and already with vastly larger fan bases that has taken years to build.

No, if that is the direction Nintendo are going into, then it will make no difference what so ever. Everything you have said could be implemented within a week via a firmware update and a few policy changes. it will be a pity if Nintendo makes that the focus of their entire next gen strategy. They haven't even built up a respectable console network and its been over 13yrs since the introduction of XBL. 

There is nothing new about what you say Nintendo could focus on. And most importantly, there are other players in the same feild that are better suited, positioned and prepared to do all that and then some.