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Burek said:
They need to make it even more child friendly, pack it with a lot of kiddie games, toys and trinkets, and make a very cheap buy ($99-149) that has power as much as a good phone, as kids don't really care about graphics.
Market it a lot towards parents during Christmas, maybe with a gimmick toy like Furby or Tickle Me Mario and watch it fly off the shelves. They already have a lot of child-friendly mascots, they should focus on their strengths.

This seems like a great idea honestly. I know a lot of people bashed Nintendo not aiming to be as powerful as the ps4, but it isn't who they are. Their system can do without next gen graphics. I think $150 console (no gimmicks) with their iconic games like super smash bros, mario kart and legend of zelda will do well. Also, keep up with the new ips and do not let up. Splatoon was a great new ip that sold pretty well. Keep making those games. However, I believe the two biggest things nintendo can do is allow multiplayer features on their online network such as voice chat, party system, ect and really push for indie games.