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In Nomura's interview with Famitsu regarding FFVII, he said that the platforms after the PS4 are still undecided. So Sony and SE are still discussing the terms for the deal.

PC is obvious. XBO is really unlikely because of several factors. FF Type-0 gave us a snapshot of the JRPG fanbase split in the US/UK & worldwide. It turned out to be 4 to 1 and 9 to 1, respectively, both favoring the PS4. Because Type-0 contained the FFXV demo, it also caused a ripple effect on FFXV preorders. One Best Buy store Abdiel checked had 300 preorders for the PS4 version vs. only 10 for the XBO version. Kagari also pointed out that the XBO version of Type-0 sold below Microsoft's minimum print order in the US, which is not.... good.

Also, the JRPG market isn't static. The JRPG fanbase split now will not be the same 2-3 years later. It's going to skew even further into PS4's favor because it is getting several JRPGs the XBO will not have. Dragon Quest Heroes I & II, Sword Art Online: Lost Song, Disgaea 5, Nier 2, Star Ocean 5, Yoru no nai Kuni, Hyperdimension V.II, Ys, God Eater, the list goes on and on. I do not see as much Japanese support on the XBO. In fact, what else does it have other than KHIII and FFXV?

I often hear people use the sales performance of the 360 version of FFXIII as a counterargument. However, there are three flaws in this argument. (1) The XBO is not the 360. The 360 had a lot of JRPG support early in its lifecycle whereas we don't see that with the XBO; (2) Microsoft had marketing rights to FFXIII and even launched a FFXIII Special Edition bundle; and (3) FFXIII launched on PS3 & 360 simultaneously. FFVII will come out on the PS4 first. The sales potential of a hypothetical XBO version will be greatly diminished.

Is an XBO version possible? Yes. However, if I have to put money down and can't flake out, I will have to bet on the XBO version not happening.