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Soundwave said:

I think they will probably ditch full on backwards compatibility.

There are like 10 really noteworthy games on the Wii U -- Mario Kart 8, Mario 3D World, NSMBU, Pikmin 3, DKC: Tropical Freeze, Splatoon, Bayo 2, W101, Smash U, soon Star Fox. I suspect Zelda U is already in the works for NX anyway. 

These games can be ported over if the new architecture is at least some what similar, others may not need to be ported because the sequel can incorporate the same content (ie: Splatoon 2 could have the Splatoon 1 maps, Mario Maker 2.0 could have the original games basic engine all incorporated etc).

No one's going to die if they can't play Kirby's Rainbow Curse or Wii Party U or Mario & Sonic "Olympics from 8 years ago" or something on NX.

Making backwards compatibility a huge priority for a system that A) sold like crap in the first place and B) only had a handful of really must-play games is silly, Nintendo needs to focus on bigger issues with their hardware than that -- getting the most cost efficient chipset and one that performs at least reasonably well should be higher priorities. 

Actualy it will have more than 10 really noteworthy games, more like around 15: Lego City Undercover, Hurley Warriors, Toads Treasure Track, Yoshi Wooly World, Mario Maker, Xenoblade X, Fatal Frame...but I get your point.