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OttoniBastos said:
GribbleGrunger said:

Which of course was more deliberately chosen wording. It's coming to the PS4.

There is something about this PR that bothers me.

One of the first times Phil Spencer talked about the exclusivity deal of RoTB,he said(and i'm gonna paraphrase since i don't remember the exactly words):

"We don't own the IP so we can't control where the IP goes in the future!"

Notice that he didn't talked about the game itself but the license,which makes me think that SE plan is to release this game exclusively for microsoft environments and continue the franchise as multiplatform after that.

That would explain why the game is called Rise of Tomb Raider and not Tomb raider 2: Rise of... since making a numbered,mainline game exclusive and then open the mainline again with the next game is not a good business plan(Capcom did exactly the same with Resident evil Code Veronica,which was suppose to be Resident evil 3,but since the games was originally conceived as a Dreamcast exclusive and they planned to continue the game in other platforms,they turned the game a spin-off/side story instead of a mainline one)

NOTE: Just to be clear,i hope i'm wrong since Tomb raider has a history on playstation and a big chunck(probably the biggest one) of the fanbase is here..

You need to develop an immunity to PR-speak. When a company doesn't speak very plainly about things (like Sony did speak very plainly with SF5) it means there's something significant they are not telling you. If they are not speaking very plainly about an exclusivity deal then you pretty much know that the exclusivity is not as exclusive, esp vis-a-vis their main competition, as they are wanting you to believe.

Also I have just met my daily use of vis-a-vis in a sentence quota.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix