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Bofferbrauer said:

I don't know how they're doing it exactly, but Nintendos own games are generally looking miles better than those of third party developers on their consoles. Since the devkits should be the same, it has either somthing to do with the documentation or with the effort poured in, possibly both. So I don't think they would really need those. As a japanese company they would probably look at Capcom/Bamco/Konami instead of western developers anyway.

Miles ? That's kind of an exaggeration if not maybe somewhat unjust but let's not get into that argument for today ... 

The documentation is probably not an issue since AMD and IBM is fairly open about their own trade secrets so really it might be the manpower that goes into the ports or maybe their hitting a bottleneck on the WII U ... 

As for the developers of the publishers you mentioned, none of them seem viable to do high end graphics anymore ... 

Capcom is parring back a lot on AAA development considering they only have 1 AAA game to set to release next year. Bamco is not interested in doing high end graphics much like Nintendo so their out. Konami is doing the same thing as Capcom and they just disbanded their last high production studio, Kojima Productions. If it's any japanese developers that Nintendo should look to for high end graphics it's Square Enix and we all know how they feel ... 

Western developers look like their the best bet to spruce up the graphics in their games ...