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painmaster212 said:
spemanig said:

- There are already systems in place that circumvent the "benefits" of being able to sell/rent/loan. There's share play, services like PS Now, and just regular game sales. Again, the reason people don't complain about PC not having a used games market is because the deals are so good. That same thing is already beginning on consoles.

Maybe so but still i'd like to be able to freely lend or sell a game that I bought if i wanted to. Maybe digital will solve this problem in the future but atm there's no quick fix for that.

- Buying games months later can equal the same giant savings with digital games. That isn't more common with physical.

I dont recall any digital game being $20 or lower months later unless your talking about Steam which is a special case and doesn't = console savings.

- That's a bold faced lie. Servers only effect online play, which also effects physical copies. All it takes is keeping your games downloaded to your console to not lose them.

By "servers" I mean the place the games are stored from Publishers that allow you to download their games, not online multiplayer severs. Say in 2 or 3 console generations your PS4/Xbox One finally gives out and breaks, do you really believe that all those games you bought will still be hooked to a sever or cloud system somewhere for you to redownload on a new console? I can't say for sure it will happen but it is a possibility correct?

- That will change with the move to digital, and only effects a tiny minority of buyers.

There's more collectors then you think in this hobby who love the collector's editions and anyone who buys a collector's edition for the physical items will want a physical game. Just look at the Halo 5 collector's edition outcry because it will only include a digital copy.

- In an ecosystem built around digital games, HDD space wouldn't be an issue at all. I have a 1TB HDD, and I'm no where near filling it even though I'm all digital. I have a 32GB SD card on my 3DS. Same situation. Same outcome.

Meh, could become an issue later in the gen when games start to topping out at 50+ gigs of download but hopefully by then HDDs will be even lower in price so that could go either way.

- They aren't significantly effecting digital either.

Maybe not at this current time but you never know with these  greedy ISPs and with games getting bigger and bigger it could become an issue if they start to push a 200 to 300 gig limit.

Replies bolded. Trust i see your points but I still believe physical should always be an option :D

- There will probably never be a direct solution to reselling games, but much like downloaded music, digital gaming will get to a point where everyone just holds a collection of all the games they own. The culture will remove the percieved desire to need to sell games. Again, Steam has already achieved this. As for lending, that already exists. You can already share digital games with friends on XBO with family sharing. 

- I'm all digital now. Things get price reductions and sales all the time. I'm 100% talking about consoles and handhelds. Though to be fair, I'm specifically talking about the Wii U and 3DS.

- ...Yes. That's the whole purpose behind that. That's like saying "do you really expect the your emails to be saved once you get a replacement laptop?" And again, you'd be saving the files to a harddrive, not just the cloud. And in a digital future, your digital purchases would just transfer over to the newer hardware. There would be no need to keep your XBO/PS4.

- No, there really aren't. Only a small minority buy collectors editions. I didn't even know about the Halo thing. Which game. Was it resolved?

- HDD space is already massive as it is while being affordable now. By the time there are 50GB games, 2TB HDDs will be dirt cheap and the norm.

- But we do know now that it's not an issue. Not a fair point to make.

Lastly, I'm sure there will be niche platforms for physical media once digital is in full swing, but by that I mean like the NX and PS Now will be all digital while maybe the NextBox will still have a disk drive as an option. But don't expect an ecosystem where every console gives the option. More realistically, you'll have to chose the console brand based off if it's all digital or only mostly digital.