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Soundwave said:

If AMD is so great, why does no one in mobile use them? I doubt AMD can give Nintendo the same power per watt for the same price PowerVR can. There's a reason Apple banks on them. A8x does get warm, but it works and works fine and is in tens of millions of devices, mass produced at 20nm without too many hitches since last year. 

Funny thing is, they actually do. Never wondered why Qualcomms Graphics Chips are called Adreno? It's an Anagram of Radeon, bought from AMD in 2009, and the Chips are based on then-current VLIW4 (Evergreen 2) Radeon Graphics Cards architecture.

AMD could in theory go back into mobile hardware, but they would need to divert much money and manpower from their other hardware products in order to do so. And since both are in pretty short supply at AMD, they backed out and never went back again.