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painmaster212 said:
If digital is cheaper then why do all big name release launch at $60 both digital and physical? It's a big profit margin off digital games to not have to pay retail stores, shipping, packaging, ect... yet their still charging us full retail... Also not everyone has the internet speeds to download a 50+ gig game and even with a high internet speed it's still gonna take half the day if not longer before you can play it. Sure there's predownloading but not every company offers that.

Physical Copies Perks

*Fully owning the game to sell it, rent it, loan it. What if you buy a rare game that becomes rare yet you bought it digitally? Your stuck with it then.

*Buying used can equal giant savings if you buy the games months after release which is a nice option.

*Always having the game and not worrying about if one day the severs the games are hosted on will go down and be lost forever because let's be honest, somewhere down the line digital games will be lost maybe 2 or 3 console generations down the road.

*Collector's Editions are rarely digitally outside big name games.

*HDD space isn't an issue if you are not required to install the game.

*A lot of niche games are not digital.

*ISP download limits do not affect physical games.

Just to hit a few key points you didn't include and sure Digital has its perks as well but its not for all of us.

- There are already systems in place that circumvent the "benefits" of being able to sell/rent/loan. There's share play, services like PS Now, and just regular game sales. Again, the reason people don't complain about PC not having a used games market is because the deals are so good. That same thing is already beginning on consoles.

- Buying games months later can equal the same giant savings with digital games. That isn't more common with physical.

- That's a bold faced lie. Servers only effect online play, which also effects physical copies. All it takes is keeping your games downloaded to your console to not lose them.

- That will change with the move to digital, and only effects a tiny minority of buyers.

- In an ecosystem built around digital games, HDD space wouldn't be an issue at all. I have a 1TB HDD, and I'm no where near filling it even though I'm all digital. I have a 32GB SD card on my 3DS. Same situation. Same outcome.

- They aren't significantly effecting digital either.