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As a parent, the NX will have to have Minecraft- We have only had Nintendo consoles/3DS so far but the next console for our home has to have it- IMO and experience, Nintendo has lost significant market share among the youth demo due to no Minecraft- Has anyone looked at the sales of the recent Lego Jurasic Pk game- The Wii U was not even close to the other platforms in sales

There are more requirements as well but most of them have been covered in previous post-

Having bought the Wii U on launch day- there is no way ill buy the NX on launch day or window- Nintendo will have to show a willingness to "defend their hardware". It is part of their brand afterall- They did a terrible job doing that w the Wii U- IF and that is a big IF- they get a decent cross section of 3rd party games, they need to follow thru w them- I don t want my kids and/or i to start a series I enjoy to only end up being able to play part of it because Nintendo did not have enough confidence in their own console to defend it