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Aerys said:
vivster said:

...said no Metroid/paper Mario/ Mario party/ Zelda/jrpgs/Mario 64-sunshine-galaxy/ Fire Emblem/ Animal Crossing fan ever.

When you say it like that it seems to be thé worst Nintendo console since ...forever ?

So the worst Nintendo console forever has the best Mario Kart ever done, the most complete Smash Bros until now, the most ambitious JRPG on a Nintendo console since the snes, the most ambitious Zelda ever done coming next year, the best Donkey Kong since the snes, the best Yoshi since the snes too and a better 3D Mario than Super Mario Sunshine, wow not bad for the worst.

And btw Wii didn´t have a new Pikmin, WiiU had it, the same happens with Star Fox, also GameCube didn´t have nothing close to Xenoblade Chronicles X and you know what Wii and GC didn´t have neither? The most popular online shooter on Japan history, Splatoon.