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theARTIST0017 said:
Miyamotoo said:
theARTIST0017 said:

Hello Nintendo fans. I've never been so unexcited and unethusiastic to be a Nintendo fan as I am now. I've owned practically every Nintendo console except for the Wii U and I am older and have less time to play games but one thing is true: Nintendo isn't the same. Tbh, I was more happy during Wii era, even there were tough times but lets take a look at what Nintendo has lost over the years.

1. 3rd Part Support

2. Sales

If you think about it, other than that, Nintendo is still the same, they're still making franchise games and creating new ones, but one thing Nintendo is doing wrong is making the same mistake twice. Make a proper system, give the fans what they want (a proper controller, 3rd party games, a more powerful console, a better online infrastructure, etc).

The fans have spoken. We really are done settling. We are done putting up with slightly better than average. Nintendo needs to allow the Wii to slowly die after another year and a half and put Zelda on NX! Give us want we want! If not, we're willing to look elsewhere.

What do you want? You thoughs and comments...

Your post is little confusing, you say that you were more happy with Wii that you had than with Wii U that you don't have!? I disagree, Wii U is great console for Nintendo fans, for me it have better games than Wii.

Only thing that Nintendo lost with this gen are sales, they never really had good 3rd party support.

Not all Nintendo fans wants powerful console, Wii U is example how not so powerful console can have great and good looking Nintendo games.

If you expecting full 3rd party support and powerful console, you want be pleased with NX, but if you again want great and looking Nintendo games, some good exclusives, console that will be affordable and probably little stronger than Wii U, than you will be satisfied.

Yes the Wii and Wii U are pretty similar in terms of trying to change things up. I was more happy I guess cause Nintendo's inferiority was being masked by it's spectacular sales so I had something to brag about. I agree actually that the Wii U now has better first party titles than the Wii, but now the Wii U has poor sales (I guess that's more of Nintendo's problem than mine) but if that means 3rd parties won't come to Nintendo because of that then all of us as fans are affected too!

I think terrible Wii U sales are main reason why Wii U don't have any 3rd party support, on Wii U launch and in first year Wii U had, Fifa, NBA, NeedForSpeed, Batman, Call Of Duty, Assassin's Creed...but after terrible Wii U sales all abandoned them in first year.

NX in comparison with Wii U will have probably better and more friendly architecture for third parties, also Nintendo will probably have bigger desire (now after Wii U) to have better 3rd party support, and we can expect NX will be selling better than Wii U. So I expect that NX will have better 3rd party support than Wii U but that really don't saying much.