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lasershow said:

 I have to disagree. I personally thought the Wii U looked dumb and didn't buy one till this last boxing day, and i wish i would have bought one sooner.

I think it looks the best out, but has a dumb name

 I don't think anyone is settling by buying a wii u, they have a ton of great games and the graphics are fine. Would it make Pikmin 3 or mario 3d world better by having a better graphics system in place? 

Well, settling for a Wii U is not necesarilly a bad thing, you're get the best first party support money can buy, just at the sacrifice of no 3rd party #settling

Would it make Pikmin 3 or mario 3d world better by having a better graphics system in place?

Probably not those games look amazing already

It would be nice to have third party support but really how many games are you going to and can afford to buy.

It's not about how many games we can afford to buy, its about the selection of games. Granted nowadays I don't have as much time to play but I wish the Wii U could also pick up FF XV, Tomb Raider, Tales of, etc

The wii u has a lot of great games and some very good ones too.  I am a Nintendo fan, and I have been for years. I purchased all three consoles last generation and was very disapointed by the wii.

The Wii was a disaster, in fact I think it clouded Nintendo's judgment a bit. They got a bit cocky because of how successful it was and decided they no longer are in the same league as Sony, M$ (Blue Ocean Strategy) but of course us hardcore gamers just want to play games not swing a controller around like a madman

I also didn't buy a gamecube until 2 years ago as it's lineup of games seemed pretty weak.

Gamecube's library was diluted with too much shovelware (Wii especially)

Personally I don't think it is getting the sales it deserves

Oh, it's not (and that's mostly Nintendo's fault)

but the games that they are making are some of the best in it's history

I agree

so i honestly would suggest you try it out.

I will definitely purchase one. I always skim Amazon for them. I don't currently have time to play it.

If all you care about is power and graphics get a pc.

I've been a Nintendo fan all my life, so graphics haven't played a big role. Granted in saying that I do believe that depending on how graphics are used, it can change a games experience. Uncharted 4 for example looks amazing

If you are interested in trying something different and area nintendo fan, actually try a wii u before saying that you are unhappy with it.

I have tried one. I can be unhappy with it. I can't be happy with everything Nintendo does.


nintendo forever . . .