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I understand why he's saying this as there's a sizeable core fanbase, a good portion of whom look down on casual gaming. But we need to remember complaining about games made for the mainstream is pretty stupid as most if not all gamers at one point got into gaming through a casual title. Mario, Pong, Tetris are some classic examples of iconic franchises which helped hook people into video games by being casual and approachable to anybody. I'd say it's a safe bet that many of the people working at Rockstar Houser, if they have been gamers for a long time as many other devs are, initially got into gaming with one of those "casual" titles.

On top of that GTA is a casual title. Lately people have started attributing the term "casual game" to minigame compilations with waggle but that's not accurate at all. GTA has always been more of a casual title which explains how the worst selling GTA on PS2 outsold the best selling FF by close to 3 million.