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My aunt needed to get some dental work done here in Florida and it was going to cost her $5300 US. We're from Jamaica and she went back there and stayed with my grandma while waiting to get the procedures underway. With plane ticket costs included she paid $1100 for everything. Half of it was the cost of the plane ticket. My wife, the hardcore right-wing politic that she is, says she'd only trust an American doctor to do such serious procedures. I told my wife that most of the doctors here in the states are from other countries. It's been more than 4 years and my aunt is fine.

On-topic though, this is without insurance. Had this person been on an insurance plan he/she would probably only pay $40,000. Lord knows everyday Americans all have 40k lying around. 


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!