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The problem are not the guns per se - germany, canada and finland have quite many guns in circulation, yet such massakers are extremly rare in those countries.

Many argue it's because of the respective cultures, but I'd say that's only half the truth.

The main reason in the US is a lack of perspective from the lowest classes. Especially ex-convicts have barely any rights at all left to them, really pushing them back into criminality instead of reforming them. While there are ways to get out of of this misery, people with low education will probably never find it. Bettter education would help more than more guns to solve the problem, as the guns only treat the symptom, not it's cause. Also, uparming the population will only result in uparming the criminals, as they want to make sure of their success with a risk limited as much as possible. A Lensman Arms Race which the general population could never hope to win.

My suggestion, apart from the aforementioned gun control would be a kind of bullet control over a transition period where eduction gets ramped up significantly. There are to many guns aready in circulation to make any gun control work in the US. A bullet control, where only a licensed hunter could buy bullets (as a private person. Security companies could still access more freely, and no limitation for the military..), and a limited amount of them by basically trading empty clips for full ones. While this wouldn't hinder bad guys to get guns, they couldn't fire them as they wouldn't have any access to the bullets. And when education fianally showed the next generations how to avoid those pitfalls, crime would diminish sharply because both the number of criminals dwindle down (few new "recruits"), and crime in general (due to less criminals, but also because it renders crime activity more risky if not properly armed, which by a bullet control would become very difficult to achieve).

The sole real problems which this would bring would be a loss of jobs in the armement indusrty, since the US are still the single biggest private market for guns. And the NRA weakening very much, but that being a problem or not is up to every one's own perception.