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I'm 100% sure the system will be BC, at least digitally. But I also doubt that they would have digital BC and not have physical, so it's all staying.

Nintendo isn't going to recreate the VC from the ground up for a third time. That would be a complete waste of resources, especially now that it supports the GBA and DS. All eshop games will be available on the NX from day 1. They are just spending way too much time on these platforms to just ditch them all and start from scratch on the next platform. It isn't happening.

And that's a good thing. The NX will launch as a system with Nintendo's entire legacy represented to some capacity day one. I don't even think of it as BC. It's what PC has been doing for decades - it's infinite legacy support. That's why BC with the Wii U and 3DS are important. Not disc BC specifically, but digital BC.