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ethomaz said:

JRPGfan said:

Last holidays the Xbox One, went from like 950k behinde to only 300-350k ish by the end of it.

Xbox One will need a better holidays this year (compaired to the ps4) than last, for that to be true.

It depends on if the PS4 gets a price cut or not, and how big it is.

Its not that easy to outsell the PS4 by millions in 2-3 months or so out of the year, even when you have Halo 5.

The end of 2014 GAP in US was ~500k (up from 186k in 2013).

Right now the GAP is 770k.

It will goes up for sure until September... you can expect September alone adding 150k or more to the gap... my estimates is a GAP over 1 million after September NPD.

October will be the next Xbone close GAP month... it is not a big month in sales so I expect it to close ~150k due Halo (I'm expeting Xbone @ 450k / PS4 @ 300k).

November the biggest seller shift side (CoD Bundle) while I expect Xbone to win it won't be like last year with 400k+ difference... maybe a 200k only this year.

Same for December a win for Xbone but less than last year... 100k.

Final prediction GAP: ~600k

I expect it to have a GAP a bit over what they had last year...

you can also pick numers and dates, that will look better for the xb1. all depends what kind of picture you want to show ;)


the 2014 h1 gap was 492k in favour of the ps4
the 2015 h1 gap is only 277k in favour of the ps4 (neraly only half of 2014)


july should be a slight win for ps4 <50k
august should easily be an xb1 win (still less than 50k ofc)
september will be an ps4 win, because of mgsv  and the destiny bundle, but wont be that big because xb1 has also the forza 6 bunde and still the gears bundle <100k
october will be xb1 win for sure


end of september gap for ps4 will be ~900k, give or take 50k at max




all on the permission, the ps4 won't do a pricecut of 50$ or 100$ in that timeframe