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That only works if I hit the "hot topic" button, not when Im on the mainpage looking to my right at the hot forum topics list.

also this thread isnt really about Gender equality, or freedom of religion.
This is a bash the "White Heterosexual Christian Male".

How can it not be, when it has a title like "Will The Shoe Be On The Other Foot Now?".
Its a bait thread, ment to stire up trouble. First post atleast reads that way.

and honestly I wish political threads wouldnt appear on the first main page of vgcharts, hot forum topics list.



"It's no secret that being a White Heterosexual Christian Male was considered to be ideal just a couple of decades ago due to the fact that "memebers" of such a "group' had more rights than other people."


How is that not racist sterotypeing? If you wish a better world without it, you should stop doing it yourself.