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I'd just like to say, that there hasn't been any anti piracy protection ever that has worked. Especially in the tech industry, everything gets cracked. If you say it can't be done, someone will do it just to prove they can.

Therefore, a successful business has to find some other way to protect their profits from piracy. Spending however much money developing a new DRM is going to do nothing to prevent piracy in the long run, it just means that it will cost the producer more money which gets passed on to the consumers, making everyone a little pissy =).

For example, look at music. The record labels have done everything in their power to restrict music, including randomly suing people to try and scare the rest from doing it. Nothing worked, and now music is being sold without DRM's because they finally realised it doesn't work anyway. Sony's rootkit fiasco is a perfect example of their efforts backfiring.

Btw, I don't condone movie or software piracy. The only software I've ever pirated was windows XP, and technically I didn't pirate it, I just wasn't willing to shell out for three seperate copies just because I own three computers. Microsoft will survive I'm sure. I also don't download pirated music, however that is one industry I don't consider it wrong, because in my opinion the record labels are thieving bastards already. I support my favorite artists by attending concerts, not by buying cd's that cost the label pennies to make and distribute. Internet radio is a wonderful thing (damn you pandora, give me back my radio in Canada!)

edit: I'm also pissy because at least in canada, there is a surcharge on every blank cd/dvd that gets sold that goes strait to the music labels because I "might" use them to steal music.  What a load of crap...they're even trying to force a surcharge on mp3 players and other devices with hard drives for the same reason (if they haven't managed it yet).