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Luckily, the PS4 doesn't have to compete against the PS1 or PS2, they just have to beat the Wii U and Xbox One.


On a serious note, arguments built on comparisons between generations are usually flawed and that's no different here. The main reason for that is the way the third-party market has developed around both Playstation and Xbox. We aren't going to see third-party exclusives at nearly the same rate as with previous generations, which is far from being a negative thing, no matter how you structure your argument in order to give that appearance.

The fact is, when we consider first-party exclusives AND third-party titles, it's a pretty damn good selection with some fantastic looking titles on the horizon for both Sony and Microsoft.

Now, I understand why you want to pretend third-party titles don't exist but they do and they're an important part of video-gaming. That makes the ability to play those third-party titles a pretty nice attribute to have.