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tiff3110 said:
binary solo said:

You skipped a generation!?! What is wrong with you...actually smart move, with all the remasters happening you will pretty much be able to play the best of last gen without ever owning a last gen console. Patience has it's own rewards. Don't forget the Uncharted trilogy when it comes out, even if it's not your thing you owe it to yourself to give it a try.

I was starting college at the time so I couldn't have any distractions. I've heard that uncharted is similar to the reboot of TB? if so I'm so buying the collection and U4 because I loved TR:DE.

Indeed, my son has just started university and he was bordering on getting into a semi-pro Smite team until he started university and realised he had to completely give it (Smite) away if he was going to make a good go of university.

TR 2013 is better than UC in some ways and UC is better in other ways. You should look at it as UC is an evolution of the old school TR with Raiders of the Lost Ark sprinkled in. TR 2013 is an evolution on UC, with more platforming and the ability to backtrack in game. There is no backtracking in UC it is a linear more strongly story driven series than TR. So make sure your expectations aren't too heavily connected to the aspects of TR that makes TR different to UC. UC1 has the most platforming in it, the platforming diminishes (unfortunately) with each successive game. This means for some people UC1 is their favourite game from a gameplay perspective. I have more fond memories of specific bits of UC1 than I do of the other UC games. I do think all the games are great though.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

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Jimi Hendrix