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With what he did for Pokemon gold/silver and by extension chrystal, he is directly responsible for one of my fondest childhood gaming memories ever. I just could not believe it, when after everything was said and done I got to surf over that little lake and dicover a new entire world! An extension of the story and basically another whole game.
I was running around gameboycolor in hand chanting something to the effect of: 'Oh my god, this is so awesome! OmG, so awesome!'

He was an ingenious programmer and it's nice to see his achievements in that department mentioned because programmers tend to be on the the invisible, underappreciated side of game developement, despite the fact that theyre one of the most crucial parts. Programmers usually only ever get reconized when they screw up, not when they do really well, in contrast to artists, producers etc.

Iwata will be remembered fondly.