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I can only speak for myself, but Batman is annoying as hell. 'No, I don't need no help, I can do it all alone!' I'm like 10 hours into the game and heard that phrase a hundred times. And instead of delivering awesome Coop-Action (honestly, that would fit in so perfect...) we get that stupid Bat-Tank (I won't call it a Batmobile simply because this is a tank...).
And also: is it just me or is the game kinda silly? Gangers talking about how Batman doesn't kill anyone and that they're all so glad that he doesn't kill. I can crush everything with my tank but everyone is talking as if they wanted to tell me, the player, that noone died. This is so ridiculous.
So far I have to say: I like Origins more than Knight.
And the Arkham Knights identity was kinda obvious. My first thought back then after the first trailers showed up and he was all like 'I know you Batman!'.
