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Well, I was enjoying how Flow mentioned that he saved people so he could kill them afterwards. :)

Good luck studying your finals. We'll help you keep your mind off them so the subject matter can conscientiously sink into your brain for later use. :)

Which reminds me, Dallinor was supposed to join us after his college. I'll send him a friendly reminder.

EDIT: 22 reminders were sent out for Saturday's game. The permanent fixtures on my PSN list and to all those who were still in me "recent players met" list (meaning those who played last week). BLOODLINEZ has generously accepted to host a 24 player game should the server fill up. In that situation, we will play out the game we are in, then take a very brief break while BLOODLINEZ sets up the server and join that. Alternatively, he could break off minutes before the end of the chosen round, start the room and I would close mine right after and you would have no wait time between matches.