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Congratulations, PS3 has lots, lots of games and besides TLOU (don't forget the DLC Left Behind which is as good as TLOU) and Uncharted:

- Infamous, all 2 games + DLC are GREAT, better than Second Son IMO
- Gran turismo 5 or 6 (which is better) are still the reference
- The ICO & Shadow of the colossus collection (beware, you'll want to buy a PS4 next year to play The Last Guardian to play more stuff from Fumito Ueda if you play those 2 games)
- Get the Metal gear HD collection and play all games you never played before Phantom pain that'll release on PS3 too.
- God of War 3
- Pupeeter, a hidden and relatively recently released gem
- You can try Heavy Rain, it's a special experience.

Some Indies-ish, not really exclusive, are incredibly good
- Braid, Limbo, Fez

Also Portal 2 and The Orange Box (Half-life 2 and episodes) if never played before on PC or X360

Finally you can consider subscribing PS+ for all PS3, vita and PS4 games. you'll be happy to have those games if you buy a Vita and or PS4 later.