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I am libertarian with strong conservative influence, but there are a few issues I'm kinda off the wall on.

Healthcare: Pass a law mandating each state to create a local single-payer system or a referendum saying "no, thank you, that's not for us." Everyone under a single system is a very high-risk situation. More options increases the likelihood of someone doing something clever, and--if you add buying insurance across state lines--reduces the risk of a broken system becoming a disaster.

Taxation and Wealthfare: 30% sales tax on everything, refund the taxes for $30,000 USD of purchases regardless of how much a person actually spent. There, no need for an unemployment program now, either.

National Defense: Make the Star Wars missile shield already and sell it to other nations via the UN. We will make a killing selling shields.

Abortion: The problem is that raising a child costs $250,000. Treat the cause, not the symptom.

Climate Change: Invest in researching the Thorium fuel cycle and a railgun to shoot wastes into the Sun. Well, at least out of Earth orbit. Make incentives for farmers to grow crops in greenhouses, which use less water, will require less pesticide or herbicide, provide more crops, cause less chemical runoff, and use less arable land.

Education: Vouchers. Vouchers for everyone. Vouchers covering any school the parents want, even if it's religious private school out of state, so long as it's accredited. Also, get rid of standardized testing. Instead, give the student an essay prompt with a topic involving finance, science, or something else requiring the use of numbers, then ship those tests out of state for another school to grade. Use that to grade the school as much as the kid.