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I've been described by various political personality tests (for whatever they're worth) as an "ultra progressiveness" and an "egalitarian".
Generally, I think it's always fruitful to take a step back and examine ideals we have come to expect simply due to their age.
A perfect example is gay marriage. "Hetro sexual marriage has stood the test of time" a recent Australian politician said. That statement doesn't in any way preclude the possibility that same-sex marriage can't fit unobtrusively into society.
So basically "Because that's the way it's always been!" isn't a reason when debating the merits of this or that political policy. How long did we think that Earth was the centre of the universe? A long bloody time. Didn't make it true.

other beliefs, off the top of my head?

I think prostitution isn't going anywhere so we may as well legalise it in order to give prostitutes a better shake, rather than having to work for criminals.

I believe certain illicit substances should be made legal. I'm no expert on the subject, but I'm not cool with the ones which are highly addictive or immediately turn you into a violent psychopath (we've got an ice problem here in Australia)

I have mixed feelings about the death penalty. The "state sanctioned, dispassionate, ceremonial taking of a human life" doesn't sit well with me, but there are still extreme cases where I think certain people need to die for the sake of the public good. If somebody is to be sentenced to death, I believe it should be because it's been deemed too dangerous to too many people let them live, not because they 'deserve' death. If you want somebody to suffer, don't give them death. They can't suffer when they're dead. Death is an escape from punishment.

I think organised religions have too much power over politics. I believe freedom of religion includes freedom FROM religion. I think religious reasoning has no place in the making of laws. If the law is to reflect religious doctrine, let it be because that doctrine makes sense and man has decided, unrelated to religion that that rule is the right course of action.

I think private companies should be forbidden from contributing to political parties as it creates a conflict of interest.

I think trickle-down economics is a bullshit, because the more money a person accumulates, the more they think they need.