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I'm pretty liberal, by American standards at least.

I'm gay marriage and I'm fine with polygamy. Not a fan of making incest legal. Incest increases the odds of birth defects which both means a worse life for the child and increased costs associated with taking care of them.


I support legalizing lesser drugs such as weed, but not harder drugs like Meth or LSD. Those are life ruining drugs and the people who use them are also pretty likely to disrupt the lives of those around them. In other words, there is no such thing as a "victim-less crime".

I think healthcare should be a public service, like the police, or fire department.

I think college should be included in regular public education. Make community, and state universities free, and allow for credits to help pay for private colleges.

I'm not against representative democracy, but I think elections need to be much more stringent. Campaigns should be formalized so each candidate gets the same amount of coverage and just as much chance to get their message out.

I think we need an immediate, and worldwide limit on having kids. Our population is our biggest issue and nobody seems to be doing much of anything about it.

Just some thoughts off the top of my head.

P.S. I don't think you've thought your idea of everybody have necessities provided for them, or the idea of not having countries.

There simply aren't enough resources on the planet to provide anything like the lifestyle I imagine most on here are used to if everybody gets the same amount. Plus, there are parts of the world that just don't have the economic strength to contribute as much as others, what you'd end up with is places like Europe and North America working extra hard to make sure people in Africa have as much as they do without Africa being able to contribute much of anything in return.

The idea of no countries is odd to me...mostly because I don't really see a benefit. People are different, they have different values and want different things. Having separate countries gives those people the ability to express those differences and make laws based on their own values.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.