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Ruler said:

Tech demos? lol. They dont make real games its self explenatory. Ryse son of rome looks worse than bloodborne, the order, imfamious, killzone, driveclub and knack. All these games look vissually more impressive or the engine is offering more stuff than Ryse.

Did you seriously just place Ryse as less visually impressive than Infamous, Knack and especially Bloodborne ?! While SIGGRAPH was awarding Ryse, From Software was making Bloodborne look like some mid gen game with framerate issues ... 

Newsflash, what you just listed doesn't come close to the technology their pushing and they've made real games before like it or not ...

Ruler said:

Last guardian runs at 15 frames at worst with the cell the footage is showing, there is more than enough performance if you remove all the other stuff besides the birth or the leafs.

Tachikoma has LITERALLY stated that The Last Guardian was running in SINGLE DIGITS! No moderate downgrades would've even made the game playable! The Cell processor is clearly trash since it had to leave it's new brother (PS4) to deliver the long awaited hype behind that game ...

Ruler said:

Sony removed it because third party devolopers are lazy. Games like MGS4 in 2008 looks better than the majority of gamnes coming out now for x86 systems and thgat game run on a cell.

MGS4 looks better than the majority of games coming out now ? MGS4 looks like junk by today's AAA standards and even indie games are crapping all over it in when it comes to graphics! 

Third party developers are lazy ? Who are you to claim that their lazy when you yourself are not a developer ? Just how much untruths are you going to keep spreading about the Cell processor ?