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I like b/c as a feature, but I'm not interested in paying more for it. I'll keep my PS3 and that will cost me nothing. For people who never had a PS3 there's always PSNow (or there will be for those not in the USA), which should over time feature all of the greatest PS3 exclusives, and some of the greatest multiplats from the 7th generation too. There doesn't really seem to be room in the market for a hardware based b/c PS4.

If Sony thought it might be worth exploring the idea what they could do is farm out the design and production to a 3rd party, which would actually just basically ducttape a PS3 & PS4 together (like that PS4bone box someone made) into a single box with each system remaining discrete and the only thing they share is the HDD, power input, usb ports and Blu-ray drive. It might have to retail for $600, but for that money you are literally getting 2 consoles in one box, not a merely mostly b/c PS4. You could probably fit everything into a console box not much bigger than the 2009 PS3, especially now that Sony has redesigned some of the PS4 innards to make it cheaper, smaller and more power-efficient. You wouldn't want to have both systems running at the same time though.

I think that sort of custom design thing is better than trying to make a fully b/c PS4 for the mass market. It may only sell a few 100K over the lifetime of the generation, but as long as each unit sells for a decent profit then it's worth doing.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix