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Cool. The funny thing is that it again shows that everyone has different preferences with this series. Everyone likes different things about it and ranks games differently and that's fine .

Great that you could get the kids into Zelda. I tried that with my younger neice a couple years ago, with the DS games because she has a DS and those are pretty accessible to children. She really liked it, getting half-way through Spirit Tracks by herself, but sadly mobile games got to her. It's a lost cause, I'm sorry I failed you guys and real gaming .

Anyway, of the 3D games, my top 5:

1. Ocarina of Time
2. Twilight Princess
3. Majora's Mask
4. Skyward Sword
5. Wind Waker

Of everything:
1. Ocarina of Time
2. Link's Awakening
3. Twilight Princess
4. Majora's Mask
5. A Link to the Past