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Hynad said:
Samus Aran said:

I'm giving reasons thus not bashing.

You're behaviour to just about everyone here is getting obnoxious. Stop with your constant ad hominems to everyone. But hey, you got away with saying Nintendo has the worst fans on this site without getting banned even though I pmed a mod about it (who ignored me of course).

Stating the truth will likely get me banned again, not that it matters.

What truth? You have no idea what the nature of their difficulty was when porting the game to Wii U. You are just bashing the game for the sake of it at this point. There's a name for what you've been doing here for quite a few comments and it's also against the rules. But so far, you've managed to get away with it. Let's just say that ad nauseum are the latin words to describe part of it. 

I was speaking of a different truth. Where the mods obviously protect you for your obnoxious behaviour. You know full well what I'm talking about. You or Truckosaurus deleted all the evidence though, how convenient. ;)

I'm stating my opinion on how terrible this game looks even though it set a record for how much money it collected on KS. Sorry for expecting more, apparently that's me "bashing". You're the one bashing me here. And it's ad nauseam, learn Latin or don't use it.


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