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Samus Aran said:
midrange said:

I was referring to comcept............

and inafune is a veteran in the games industry, but I don't remember a single wii u title he worked on, do you?

Given how the game is coming out to 10 different platforms, while also having a limited team wouldn't it make sense that it wouldn't look nearly as great as wii u exclusive indies. But that doesn't mean their lazy, they're just working under different circumstances.

I don't remember a single PS4 game he worked on, do you? Comcept is also filled with veterans of the industry.

Look at Playtonic Games, their game looks better after only 3 months of work.

When given the resources of the hardware manufacturer though, he has put this out on a handheld with Comcept:

Resources are key regardless of experience (inc Game Engines). Single platform development also greatly helps. Especially if one of the platforms has a significant disadvantage in it's architechture. 

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.