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Wagram said:

Fallout 4 is not deserving of best of show to me and it really has to do with quality. Bethesda products are unfinished, have endless bugs, poor writing, and silly design decisions, but people praise them for it. Fallout 4 looks to be no different, and the hype has overtaken once more. Will it be a solid release and experience? Definitely, but awarding products that are borderline unfinished is a slap in the face to any developer who cares. It's insulting and it really does piss me off.

Sorry, but you're going to have to deal with the fact that millions of people love Fallout.  Why?  Because of "hype"?  That's bullshit and sophistry.  People like Fallout because it's absorbing, engaging, and a bloody blast to play.

This "hype" thing people whine about endlessly is getting annoying.  If it's a new IP, sure, hype should always be mitagated by the knowledge that it's unproven.  But when people are enthused about an existing franchise?  It's because they liked the previous games.  

As far as "poorly written" goes, New Vegas had better writing than 90% of the rest of the games on the market.  I really have no idea what you're talking about there.