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Samus Aran said:
midrange said:

You missed the main point where having veterans doesn't make a company's game good, or do you believe destiny to be the greatest game of all time given bungie's involvement.

the Wii u being different is the cause for difficulties. Everyone has to spend time and money to adapt to your system just so you can be different. That's precisely why the ps4 moved away from the cell.

way to use 2 games with larger budgets, dedicated solely for the Wii u, and made by the company who designed the console as the benchmark for an indie title making a game on 10 platforms. Nintendo made the Wii u and gave their developers first priority, no one is going to spend more money to catch up to Nintendo when the ps4 and Xbox one are better alternatives. You deciding to "not settle for less" is exactly why third parties struggle on the Wii u. Because you think that if it doesn't have the nintendo logo, it won't be good and that the developers are lazy.

Then why am I looking forward to Fast Racing Neo and Yooka-Laylee? Two indie games that look very promising.

Buth hey, if you think that graphics like that are acceptable for a modern game then so much the better for you.

Because one has been in development solely for the Wii u for a long time, and the other is just plain good.

I don't get why you are trying to compare different games, with different art styles, with different developers, with different circumstances. That's like saying splatoon is shit compared to the highly rated Rayman legends. I'm sorry they didn't give your console version of choice more money, time, and attention compared to the other versions, but there is more to it than them being "lazy."

If every indie dev is able to make donkey kong tropical freeze type games, then Nintendo must be a shitty dev since their level of games match the level that should be expected of indie devs (by your logic).