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Nuvendil said:
Qwark said:
Nuvendil said:
Uuuuuh if they can't get THAT to run on the Wii U, I'm sorry but they suck at their job. I can understand CARS and other big titles and such but this isn't even impressive for its genre.

That and Nintendo made an impossible system for any third party to develop for

I have a hard time believing that.  Arkham Knight runs well, so does FAST Racing Neo.  Need for Speed Most Wanted on Wii U is better than on the 360  and PS3.  Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut is good.  Fact of the matter is, most devs at this stage are either lazy or don't see the Wii U as a worthwhile investment of time, resources, or money.  For this game, I think it's quite simple:  the party behind this game has far over stretched themselves.   But I will stand by what I said:  if you really try and put in the resources but can't get this game to run - a game which isn't impressive even by 360 and ps3 games of similar genre - on Wii U, then you simply have a deficiency of tallent.  This game presents no significant challenges from builds we've seen.  It's that simple.

Did they say they couldn't make the game run on the Wii U?