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Goodnightmoon said:
midrange said:

Maybe they say that because the specs are the problem.

Last I checked, they were using UE3, which I am pretty sure is not optimized for the wii u, giving the game a handicap already. How were they trying to circumvent this issue, by just having the cpu make up for the loss, but as we all know, the Wii u cpu is on par or slightly worse than the PS3 and Xbox 360. "But the Wii u has a couple of prettier gamez!" This is mostly because their gpu is not completely trash, but the gpu isn't enough to make up for the low performance of the cpu. "But the game is also coming out for 3ds!" And it will look similar but nowhere near the console version (just look at the different lego city versions).

if it were 4-5 devs trashing the Wii u specs, I would agree with you, but every third party dev that is not in direct coordination with Nintendo has agreed that the specs are awful. Slightly mad studios was the last dev to support the Wii u specs, and even they realized they were wrong.

I marvel at the fact that sooo many people think a developers job is easy and that not porting a game is an act of laziness and incompetence (instead of a business decision given third party performance on the Wii u). It was an act of incompetence for Nintendo to give the Wii u an awful cpu in the first place. Nintendo dug themselves into a hole, and you're expecting third parties to help them out of it.

and speaking of an hd gamecube game, have you seen starfox zero?

Bayonetta 1 & 2
Mario Kart 8
Smash Bros 4
Mario 3D world
Yoshi Woolly World
DK tropical freeze
Batman Arkham City
Captain Toad
Kirby Rainbow Curse 
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Need For Speed Most wanted
Pikmin 3
Mass Effect 3
Deus Ex Human Revolution
CoD Black ops 2/ ghost
Fatal Frame 5
Trine 2
Fast racing neo

Etc Etc Etc

All those games have like 5 times better graphics  than Mighty No 9

So "WiiU have a couple of prettier gamez" is bullshit, in fact, the majority of WiiU games have better graphics than MN9, so yeah, I don´t believe them with that "it´s because the specs" shit, they didn´t say anything about the ps3/x360 version and those are overall inferior machines with a very similar cpu.

More than half of the games you mentioned are developed by Nintendo or aided by Nintendo. Of course those games are gonna look pretty when you have the actual console maker there to help you squeeze out better performance for your game.

Have you ever considered the fact that most of those games have built a custom engine for the Wii u to be able to play them? Custom engines are great because the squeeze benefits from the customized wii u. Unreal Engine 3 has probably not been optimized for the Wii u as it has for the PS3 and Xbox 360. The only people who have used UE3 on the Wii u either dropped support (Warner bros) or continue to make games with bad graphics (Devils third).

pretty games can be a factor of gpu performance, not cpu performance. Just like how mario kart 8 drop in frame rate with more than two people, the more computations that the cpu has to deal with, the less it can focus on performance (lowering the fps). Slightly mad studios as an example said that their game looks great, mostly because their resolution is where it needs to be (thanks to a semi-decent gpu), it was the fps that was killer (thanks to a poor cpu).

Way to look at possibilities and facts before calling a dev ignorant and lazy. Clearly every other third party is plotting a conspiracy against Nintendo.